Journey Through "The Magic"

Saturday, 2 July 2016

The Habit Of Gratitude

Gratitude - It's a Good Habit!

When we say "Thank You!" we are preforming an act of grattitude. From the time we were young, we have always been told to say these magic words every time someone gives us something, does something for us, or helps us in one way or another. These two little words pack such a punch that, if we used them more often and for everthing, our lives could be magically transformed.

Gratitute is directly linked to the Universe through the Law of Attraction.  The theory of the Law of Attraction is very simple.  Whatever thoughts and feelings you are sending out to the universe will be directly returned to you,  from the universe! Therefore turning gratitude in to a habit could be very fulfilling and rewarding. So, how do you make it happen?  Having a glass-half-full attitude helps.

In Rhonda Byrne's The Magic the first exercise you encounter is "Count your Blessings". This might sound like a simple task but expanding your gratitude to include the why can be a bit challenging. The trick is to start with the simple things: life, health, job, blue skies, pets, clothes, etc - and then elaborate as to why you are grateful for them. Having a journal helps with this and she recommends doing it every day. This helps with making gratitude a habit.

I have stuggled with this in the past, both with why I'm grateful for something and keeping a gratitude journal and writing in it every day, but I find that the more determined I am to suceed and make gratitude a bigger part of my life the easier I find it to be grateful and journal it.  Of course I peak and trough and that's OK: the important part is that if you fall off the wagon, you just get straight back on!

Day one of The Magic was completed successfully and I'm looking forward to the next 27! I'm hoping that I can keep up the momentum.  I would love to hear your thoughts on your experience with gratitude.

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